ELLE CHARM – Elle Charm zaštitni privjesak / Elle Protection Charm

Jeste li znali da se 65% svih žena moralo suočiti s nekom vrstom uznemiravanja? 23% je doživjelo seksualnu agresiju, 20% bilo je proganjano ili slijeđeno, a lista se nastavlja. Pretvorite svoju modnu torbu u svog osobnog tjelohranitelja uz pomoć Elle Charm privjesna. Ako dvaput pritisnete prvu tipku, aktivira se glasan alarm koji će prestrašiti agresora. Ako dvaput pritisnete drugu tipku alarma, Elle Charm će putem aplikacije poslati tihi alarm. Do 3 osobe (unaprijed postavljene u vašoj aplikaciji) dobit će vaš SOS i točnu lokaciju. Registrirani dizajn® / Did you know that 65% of all women have had to deal with some kind of harassment? 23% have experienced sexual aggression, 20% have been stalked or followed around and the list goes on. Turn your own fashion bag into your personal bodyguard with the Elle Protection Charm. Using the same alarm functions as the backpack. Pressing the first button twice, triggers a loud alarm, scaring away the aggressor. Pressing the second alarm button twice the Elle Protection Charm will send a silent alarm through the APP on your connected phone. Up to 3 people (preset in your app) will receive your SOS and exact location. Registered design®

SKUP330.73A Kategorije,

Jeste li znali da se 65% svih žena moralo suočiti s nekom vrstom uznemiravanja? 23% je doživjelo seksualnu agresiju, 20% bilo je proganjano ili slijeđeno, a lista se nastavlja. Pretvorite svoju modnu torbu u svog osobnog tjelohranitelja uz pomoć Elle Charm privjesna. Ako dvaput pritisnete prvu tipku, aktivira se glasan alarm koji će prestrašiti agresora. Ako dvaput pritisnete drugu tipku alarma, Elle Charm će putem aplikacije poslati tihi alarm. Do 3 osobe (unaprijed postavljene u vašoj aplikaciji) dobit će vaš SOS i točnu lokaciju. Registrirani dizajn® / Did you know that 65% of all women have had to deal with some kind of harassment? 23% have experienced sexual aggression, 20% have been stalked or followed around and the list goes on. Turn your own fashion bag into your personal bodyguard with the Elle Protection Charm. Using the same alarm functions as the backpack. Pressing the first button twice, triggers a loud alarm, scaring away the aggressor. Pressing the second alarm button twice the Elle Protection Charm will send a silent alarm through the APP on your connected phone. Up to 3 people (preset in your app) will receive your SOS and exact location. Registered design®




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