6 u 1 kabel za punjenje / 6 in 1 cable

6 u 1 kabel s funkcijom uvlačenja s kućištem izrađenim od RCS certificirane reciklirane ABS plastike i žice od recikliranog TPE-a. RCS (Recycled Claim Standard) je standard za provjeru recikliranog sadržaja proizvoda kroz cijeli opskrbni lanac. Kabel ima 5 različitih konektora: USB C in, USB A in, type C out, IOS out i micro USB out. Omogućeno korištenje kabela i s izlaznim uređajima tipa C koji su novije generacije telefona i macbook računala. Kabel također ima opciju USB A izlaznog ulaza tako da može puniti bilo koji uređaj iz bilo kojeg izlaznog izvora. Artikal je potpuno bez PVC-a. / 6 in 1 retractable cable where the case is made out of RCS certified recycled ABS plastic and the wire from recycled TPE. RCS (Recycled Claim Standard) is a standard to verify the recycled content of a product throughout the whole supply chain. The cable has 5 different connectors: USB C in, USB A in, type C out, IOS out and micro USB out. This allows you to use the cable also with type C output devices that are included in the newer generation of phones and macbook computers. The cable also has a USB A output input option so it can charge any device from any output source. Item is completely PVC free.

SKUP302.66A Kategorije,

6 u 1 kabel s funkcijom uvlačenja s kućištem izrađenim od RCS certificirane reciklirane ABS plastike i žice od recikliranog TPE-a. RCS (Recycled Claim Standard) je standard za provjeru recikliranog sadržaja proizvoda kroz cijeli opskrbni lanac. Kabel ima 5 različitih konektora: USB C in, USB A in, type C out, IOS out i micro USB out. Omogućeno korištenje kabela i s izlaznim uređajima tipa C koji su novije generacije telefona i macbook računala. Kabel također ima opciju USB A izlaznog ulaza tako da može puniti bilo koji uređaj iz bilo kojeg izlaznog izvora. Artikal je potpuno bez PVC-a. / 6 in 1 retractable cable where the case is made out of RCS certified recycled ABS plastic and the wire from recycled TPE. RCS (Recycled Claim Standard) is a standard to verify the recycled content of a product throughout the whole supply chain. The cable has 5 different connectors: USB C in, USB A in, type C out, IOS out and micro USB out. This allows you to use the cable also with type C output devices that are included in the newer generation of phones and macbook computers. The cable also has a USB A output input option so it can charge any device from any output source. Item is completely PVC free.




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